
The scientific program will be structured around three scientific sessions, each introduced by a seminar aimed at providing an overview of the theme with an explanation of key concepts. This introduction will be followed by oral presentations from permanent scientists, PhD students or post-doctoral researchers. Two scientific sessions were chosen for their Grenoble representation, while a third will permit covering a broader range of topics:

1. Session Radiation. Introdcuction by Marie-Laure Gallin-Martel.

The radiation theme is concerned with the study of radiation on living organisms, either by using it to understand living organisms, or as such by studying the biological responses following irradiation. This includes new therapies based on very precise sources such as at the synchrotron or by hadrontherapy. All of these studies are based on the design and use of biological, modelling and biophysical experimental approaches.

- Instrumentation

- Radiobiology

- Modelling and dosimetric simulations

- DNA modification

- Therapy

2. Session Surfaces and Interfaces. Introduction by Lionel Bureau.

Cell adhesion or mobility, or the formation of tissues, rely on interfacial interactions in which surface properties are crucial, whether those of cells or artificial substrates. The properties of these surfaces are both physical (elasticity, roughness, etc.) and biochemical (density, affinity or mobility of receptors). This session focuses on the characterization, of physical properties or by physical methods, of biological surfaces (e.g. cell membranes) as well as the design, characterization or use of artificial surfaces for biophysical studies.

3. Session White.

The full program will be made available one month before the event.


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